Overview of two-dimensional variables requested for ISA-MIP
Long name | Variable name | Unit | Category | Comment |
grid-cell area | area | m2 | 1 |
land fraction | landf | 1 | 1 | Please express "X_area_fraction" as the fraction of horizontal area occupied by X. |
surface altitude | orog | m | 1 | "Surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. Altitude is the (geometric) height above the geoid, which is the reference geopotential surface. |
Meteorology | ||||
Precipitation | precip | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 | Includes all types: rain, snow, large-scale, convective, etc. |
surface temperature | tas | K | 1 |
surface air pressure | ps | Pa | 1 | "Surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. |
Cloud fraction | clt | % | 1 | Cloud fraction as seen from top or surface |
| ptp | Pa | 2 | 2D monthly mean thermal tropopause calculated using WMO tropopause definition on 3d temperature |
tropopause_air_temperature | tatp | K | 2 | See above |
tropopause_altitude | ztp | M | 2 | See above |
Budget | ||||
Load of H2SO4 (aerosol) | loadso4 | kg m-2 | 1 | Units of the particle-phase-sulphur should be using mass of H2SO4 |
Load of SO2(g) | loadso2 | kg m-2 | 1 |
Load of H2SO4(g) | loadh2so4 | kg m-2 | 1 |
Load of OCS | loadocs | kg m-2 | 1 |
Load of DMS | loaddms | kg m-2 | 2 |
Load of H2S | loadh2s | kg m-2 | 3 |
Load of CS2 | loadcs2 | kg m-2 | 3 |
Removal | ||||
dry deposition of DMS | drysdms | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
dry deposition of SO2 | dryso2 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
dry deposition of H2SO4(g) | dryh2so4 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
dry deposition of H2SO4(p) | dryso4 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
sedimentation of SO4 | sedso4 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
dry deposition of H2S | dryh2s | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
dry deposition of C2S | dryc2s | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
wet deposition of SO2 | wetso2 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
wet deposition of H2SO4(p) | wetso4 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
wet deposition of DMS | wetdms | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
wet deposition of C2S | wetc2s | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
wet deposition of H2S | weth2s | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
Emission | ||||
total emission of SO2 | emiso2 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
total emission of DMS | emidms | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
total emission of COS | emicos | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 | If available |
total emission of DMS | emih2s | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
total emission of CS2 | emic2s | kg m-2 s-1 | 3 |
Fluxes | ||||
SO2 Flux to the tropopause | flxso2 | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
H2SO4(p)Flux through the tropoause (total) | flxso4t | kg m-2 s-1 | 1 |
H2SO4 Flux (tropopause) per size class/modes | flxso4_ | kg m-2 s-1 | 3 |
Flux H2SO4 (p) > 5nm | flxso4p150 | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
Flux H2SO4 (p) >150nm | flxso4p150 | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
Flux H2SO4 (p) >250nm | flxso4p250 | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
Flux H2SO4 (p) >550nm | flxso4p550 | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
Flux H2SO4 (p) >750nm | flxso4p750 | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
Flux H2SO4 (p) >1000nm | flxso4p1000 | kg m-2 s-1 | 2 |
Radiation | ||||
AOD@386nm | od386aer | 1 | 2 |
AOD@453nm | od453aer | 1 | 2 |
AOD@525nm | od525aer | 1 | 1 |
AOD@750nm | od750aer | 1 | 2 |
AOD@870nm | pd870aer | 1 | 2 |
AOD@1020nm | od1020aer | 1 | 1 |
AOD@3460nm | od3460aer | 1 | 2 |
AOD@5260nm | od5260aer | 1 | 2 |
AOD@12660nm | od5260aer | 1 | 2 |
Surface downwelling SW radiation | rsds | W m-2 | 1 |
Surface upwelling SW radiation | rsus | W m-2 | 1 |
Surface downwelling LW radiation | rlds | W m-2 | 1 |
Surface upwelling LW radiation | rldus | W m-2 | 1 |
Surface downwelling SW flux clear sky | rsdscs | W m-2 | 2 |
Surface upwelling SW flux clear sky | rsuscs | W m-2 | 2 |
Surface upwelling LW flux clear sky | rldcs | W m-2 | 2 |
Surface diffuse SW flux | rsdsdiff | W m-2 | 2 |
Surface diffuse SW flux clear sky | rsdscsdiff | W m-2 | 2 |
TOA Incident | rst | W m-2 | 2 |
TOA downwelling SW radiation | rsdt | W m-2 | 1 |
TOA downwelling LW radiation | rldt | W m-2 | 1 |
TOA outgoing SW radiation | rsut | W m-2 | 1 |
TOA outgoing SW radiation clear sky | rsutcs | W m-2 | 2 |
TOA outgoing LW radiation | rlut | W m-2 | 1 |
TOA outgoing LW radiation clear sky | rlutcs | W m-2 | 2 |
Total photsynthtically FLUX (PAR) | tphotpar | W m-2 | 3 |
photsynthtically FLUX (PAR) | photpar | W m-2 | 3 |